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The 17 Sustainable Development Goals

17 Goals to Transform the World

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are part of a global action plan towards a better future for all. The SDGs have been agreed upon by all member states of the United Nations (UN) and are to be achieved before 2030.


Five Themes

The goals can be divided into five themes: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership. The five “P”s show the importance of looking at the goals as interconnected, instead of separate, individual goals. Each goal is related to others and every contribution to an SDG has an effect on our ability to achieve the other goals as well. The action plan is inclusive and made for all people in all countries. Because only together can we create a better world!

A Brief History

In 2000, UN member states created the eight Millennium Development Goals, with a goal to accomplish them by 2015. When we reached 2015, a report was commissioned that stated that some goals had been achieved, such as the goal of decreasing the number of people living in extreme poverty by half. Other goals, such as reducing maternal and infant mortality, were not achieved.

In 2012, active member states of the UN reflected on 'sustainable development goals' during the RIO+20 conference. These goals would become the successors to the Millennium Development Goals. In the Netherlands, administrators, entrepreneurs, and citizens contributed ideas during the RIO+20 conference. These new sustainable development goals, called the SDGs, differed from the Millennium Development Goals because they apply to all countries. They are not focused only on richer countries giving aid to poorer countries. In addition, more attention is paid to peace and security, economic development, and the environment. With the premise 'leave no one behind' in mind, everyone should be able to work on a better future together.