Lekkernassûh is a community of people working together based on a vision for a fair, local food system in and around The Hague. The most important activity is the weekly fresh market in De Gymzaal at Witte de Withstraat and other locations. An average of 500 people visit the market to pick up their vegetable package. Lekkernassûh stands for Tasty Food in The Hague's city dialect.
Lekkernassûh has two regular suppliers where the majority of the vegetables is purchased: Hoeve Biesland in Delfgauw and Landzicht Biologisch in Strijen. These suppliers provide the connection between Lekkernassûh and the regional network. They combine the transport from the other farmers, so that the CO2 footprint of transport remains as low as possible.
On Fridays, Lekkernassûh receives lists of the vegetables offered by the various local, organic farmers in this network. The supply depends on the season: in spring, for example, leeks, turnip greens and radishes are often used. In the summer months, beetroot, endive and spinach are added and towards the autumn it changes to the cabbages and tubers, celeriac, kohlrabi and pumpkins. The supply therefore depends on what is being grown in the region around The Hague at a given moment. For more information, take a look at the website.