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World Trip Through Your Hometown - Municipality of The Hague

8 July 2022

On March 19, 2022, the municipality of The Hague organized the 'World trip in your hometown’. The aim of the day, which was kicked off by alderman Kapteijns, together with creator and initiator Rabin Baldewsingh (national coordinator against racism and discrimination) was to connect people from different backgrounds and to celebrate the diversity in the city. The world tour is aligned with the International Day against Racism and Discrimination.

Over 40 cultural, social and religious organizations from The Hague took part this day and offered a program of activities. Diversity was the central theme of all activities. The aim of the municipality was to encourage its inhabitants to start a dialogue with each other.

“The Hague is a diverse city, where over 200 nationalities live and work together. With this World trip in our own city we celebrate our diversity and show that there is room for the many differences. Whether you are new to the city or you grew up here. We are curious about each other, we are open to each other and we talk to each other.” 
                                                                                      Alderman Arjen Kapteijns

You can find the Dutch news article about this event here (Dutch only). 

Photo: obsession.nl

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Wereldreis door eigen stad
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