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SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All

SDG 7 must ensure access to clean, safe, reliable, efficient, sustainable and affordable energy. By 2030, the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency should be doubled. International collaborations should improve infrastructure and enable progress in clean and renewable energy research and technology.

SDG 7 Den Haag affordable and clean energy
Policy, Initiatives and Organizations

How The Hague Contributes

In The Hague, the municipality, citizens and organizations are all ambitious when it comes to sustainability and clean energy. For example, there are many citizen initiatives working within the neighborhoods. Another example is Duurzaam Den Haag. They offer advice and activities to help residents of the city become more sustainable and organize joint activities.

The Hague also has a number of innovative companies that harvest wind energy with kite constructions, solar panels integrated in roof tiles and software that calculate the optimal configuration for solar panels for maximum production.

Initiatives in The Hague

Energie uit de Wijk Challenge (Energy from the Neighborhood Challenge)

Energie uit de Wijk Challenge is an organized challenge. It is organized for residents in The Hague who are planning to switch to clean energy in their street or neighbourhood. The implementation of the winning initiatives has already started. Read more about Energie uit de Wijk Challenge here

Duurzaam Den Haag

Duurzaam Den Haag (Sustainable The Hague) dreams of a city where the air is clean, the environment green, where all energy is generated sustainably and a heavy rain shower does not directly lead to flooding. A city without natural gas and without electricity from fossil fuels. A sustainable city where people are trying the best they can in terms of ecological and social challenges. The Hague as a wonderful city to live, also for future generations.

De Groene Regentes

De Groene Regentes is a neighborhood initiative to make the Segbroek district greener and more sustainable. With volunteers from the Regentesse and Valkenboskwartier districts in Segbroek, various projects are initiated, related to saving and generating energy, transport, more nature in the neighborhoods and sustainability.

Gasvrij Scheveningen

Gasvrij Scheveningen was initiated to support the residents of Scheveningen in making the homes in the neighborhood more sustainable. The four energy coaches offer advice and inspiration and regularly organize meetings, workshops or themed evenings to inform Scheveningers about the latest developments.

Vogelwijk Energie(k)

Vogelwijk Energie(k) is an association of about 250 enthusiastic people in the Vogelwijk in The Hague, who strive for sustainability in everyday life. On Vogelwijk Energiek.nl you can read how Vogelwijk Energie(k) has been working on sustainability for more than ten years.

The goal is a CO2-neutral Vogelwijk by 2040. To achieve this, the Vogelwijk will make use of sustainable heat, electricity and mobility. Even though 2040 seems far away, it is not. More than 100 homes per year should be made more sustainable to be able to reach this goal. 

Every action counts, including yours! Sustainability is becoming increasingly more visible in the Vogelwijk: solar panels, electric cars, etc. Every ton of CO2 we save now contributes structurally to a reduction of climate change.


Campus@Sea is a meeting place for people innovative ideas about the North Sea, such as floating solar panels or seaweed cultivation in offshore wind farms. Read more about Campus@Sea here.

Het dakenteam

The Hague wants to make more use of the empty roofs in the city, for example by placing solar panels on them. Read more about the roof team's plans here.