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Leven op het land

SDG 15: Life on Land

Sustainably Manage, Protect and Restore Forests and Biodiversity

SDG 15 is designed to help people worldwide take better care of the planet. This means sustainable management of forests, stopping and reversing land degradation and stopping biodiversity loss. Protecting, restoring and preserving ecosystems and forests is a priority, in addition to combating desertification and land degradation.

sags Den Haag life on land
Policy, Initiatives and Organizations

How The Hague Contributes

The Hague is a very green city, with woods, estates, dunes and parks. The Hague is committed to protecting these green areas, which provide space for many different species of animals, plants and trees. The greenery in The Hague is part of the Hollandse Duinen National Park. The website Het Haagse Groen inspires and supports residents of The Hague to experience nature, to make their home and living environment greener and to make their lifestyle more sustainable.

Initiatives in The Hague

Eco Expedition

The Eco Expedition is a nature walk of 5 kilometers through The Hague's urban nature. During this walk you can discover many new things about the surprising nature of The Hague. Read more about the Eco Expedition here

'Schoon, doen we toch gewoon?' campaign

‘Schoon, doen we toch gewoon?’ organizes actions and campaigns to reach and educate as many The Hague citizens as possible. During the Clean Neighborhood Campaign, which takes place twice a year, the municipality supports, facilitates and promotes local clean-up actions. These include handing out waste pegs and organizing activities such as plogging (jogging + 'picking up' litter), supping or a guided tour by a forester. Read more about the campaign here. 

Haagse Honing

Haagse Honing is a small apiary and the basic principle is to garden ecologically. It sells honey as well as seeds for flowers and plants. Read more about Haagse Honing and Haags Zaad here.