SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns
SDG 12 focuses on 'producing more with less' and should ensure more sustainable consumption and production patterns. This means that food waste must be greatly reduced and that raw materials must be used more sustainably. The use of polluting energy sources is being scaled back and more thought is given to sustainability, reducing waste production and ultimately creating environmentally sound management of waste throughout the chain.
How The Hague Contributes
In the Hague, work is being done in various fields to make production and consumption patterns more sustainable. The municipality wants as little waste as possible and works on waste sorting. In that way, resources can be reused. In the 'Grondstoffenplan' is stated how the municipality wants to achieve this. The focus is on recycling and upcycling. The project 'PlastiCity' is all about giving plastic waste a second life. Next to that we separate bread leftovers in the city and with the programme 'Upcycle Your Waste' we make new materials out of commercial waste.