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Haagse Markt

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

End Hunger, Achieve Food Security and Improved Nutrition

SDG 2 focuses on ending hunger and malnutrition and ensuring food security. In the way we produce, distribute and consume food. In 2030, the food and agricultural sector must be changed in such a way that ecosystems are not damaged for food production. Only in this way we can permanently end hunger and ensure that people worldwide have access to healthy food.

SDG 2 zero hunger den haag
Policy, Initiatives and Organizations

How The Hague Contributes

The Hague contributes to SDG 2 at both a local and global level. The Netherlands is the second largest exporter of food in the world. The Hague region, with the Westland horticultural cluster in its backyard, is responsible for a large part of the fruit and vegetables produced in the Netherlands. Our gardeners produce very efficiently, with minimal use of water and energy. The high-tech greenhouses developed here are purchased all over the world and are seen as the best in the world. In addition, we have a wide range of (citizen) initiatives in The Hague such as Conscious Kitchen, Haagse Soepbus and Eetbaar Zuiderpark. They ensure that residents of The Hague have access to food.

Initiatives in The Hague

Conscious Kitchen

Conscious Kitchen is a team of idealists that fights food waste by rescuing would-be-wasted food and turning it into delicious meals for the community. Read more about Conscious Kitchen here.

Urban Agriculture The Hague

Actively getting started with urban farming is not only fun, but also has positive effects on your health. Research indicates that the color green has a positive effect on humans. Working in a vegetable garden provides physical exercise and mental relaxation, while you can enjoy some fresh air. And last but not least, people gain a lot of social contacts when they are involved in an urban agriculture initiative. They can show their qualities and also gain work experience.

Did you know that allotments are not the only form of urban agriculture? There are also neighborhood gardens, urban beekeepers and urban farms. Read more about urban agriculture in The Hague here.

Haagse Soepbus

The Haagse Soepbus is there for all residents of The Hague who, for whatever reason, do not have access to regular food supply. Every day volunteers from Haagse Soepbus give attention, coffee and soup to people having a hard time. Read more about the Haagse Soepbus here.


Lekkernassûh is a community of people who work together with the vision of a fair, local food system in and around The Hague. Read more about Lekkernassûh here.