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Chinese wijk in Den Haag

SDG 10: Reduce Inequalities

Reduce Inequalities Within and Among Countries

SDG 10 is designed to reduce inequalities between and within countries. By 2030, everyone must be given equal opportunities and social, economic and political inclusion must become the standard. SDG 10 also addresses the issue of discrimination and advocates for safe and responsible migration and mobility of people.

SDG 10 Den Haag reduced inequalities
Policy, Initiatives and Organizations

How The Hague Contributes

The municipality of The Hague is committed to reducing inequality in the city in various ways. For example, by combating poverty, by making additional efforts in schools with pupils who are lagging behind and by supporting young people who have difficulty in the labor market. In addition, the municipality pursues an active anti-discrimination policy, both within its own organization, but also by supporting citizens' initiatives that promote inclusion and equality.

Initiatives in The Hague

World Trip Through Your Hometown

On March 19, 2022, the municipality of The Hague organized the 'World trip in your own city’. The aim of the day was to connect people from different backgrounds and to celebrate the diversity in the city. The world tour is aligned with the International Day against Racism and Discrimination. Read more about World trip through your hometown.

Den Haag Werkt

Den Haag Werkt helpt inwoners met een afstand tot de arbeidsmarkt aan passend werk. Het doel is dat medewerkers kunnen groeien in een vakgebied dat goed bij hun interesses en vaardigheden past. Lees hier meer over Den Haag Werkt.

Toegankelijke stembureaus

De gemeente Den Haag richt tijdens verkiezingen een aantal speciale stembureaus in die toegankelijk zijn voor mensen met een (visuele) beperking. Dit doet de gemeente zodat iedereen zelfstandig een stem kan uitbrengen. Lees hier meer over toegankelijke stembureaus.